Your ATA local would like to make funds available to you to purse professional leaning. If you are interested in accessing these funds, please read the details below. Questions can be directed to your Professional Development Chair, Stephanie Gosse at [email protected]
The PD funds will be given out to a maximum of $700 per teacher.
You may apply to use this money for any Professional Development (see conditions below) attended between September 1st and June 30th.
Receipts for reimbursement must be received by June 19th. Summer PD will be reviewed by Local Exec for approval.
Candidates can apply once per year and will be selected on a first come first served basis.
Upon completion of the approved PD, complete the reimbursement form and email it to the Treasurer at [email protected].
When we have all the necessary documentation, we will send you a cheque. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your cheque.
You will receive only one reimbursement cheque per year up to but not exceeding $700.
Funds cannot be deferred to the following year. If you are approved and realize you won’t be able to use the funds, please let us know as soon as possible.
Electronic form must be submitted. The form can be accessed at
The PD funds will be given out to a maximum of $700 per teacher.
You may apply to use this money for any Professional Development (see conditions below) attended between September 1st and June 30th.
Receipts for reimbursement must be received by June 19th. Summer PD will be reviewed by Local Exec for approval.
Candidates can apply once per year and will be selected on a first come first served basis.
Upon completion of the approved PD, complete the reimbursement form and email it to the Treasurer at [email protected].
When we have all the necessary documentation, we will send you a cheque. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your cheque.
You will receive only one reimbursement cheque per year up to but not exceeding $700.
Funds cannot be deferred to the following year. If you are approved and realize you won’t be able to use the funds, please let us know as soon as possible.
Electronic form must be submitted. The form can be accessed at
Application form below.
Books for PD - Information |
Reimbursement Forms: |
There are two forms. If you attended a conference/ workshop/ convention/ etc. Please select that form.
If you are submitting a form for purchasing books, please select that form. This form can also be used to submit for course fees, etc.
Please submit original receipts with the forms to Stephanie Gosse at [email protected]
For more information about our expense policy please click here.
If you are submitting a form for purchasing books, please select that form. This form can also be used to submit for course fees, etc.
Please submit original receipts with the forms to Stephanie Gosse at [email protected]
For more information about our expense policy please click here.